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The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has today approved the prospectus in accordance with the Securities Market Act (746/2012, as amended) ("the Prospectus") of Tecnotree Oyj ("the Company") regarding listing of in total 52,555,040 new shares.
The Prospectus relates to listing of in total 52,555,040 new shares issued in the share issue by the Company on 24 September 2018 and subscribed by Fitzroy Investments Limited ("Fitzroy"), as stated in the notice published by the Company on 24 September 2018.
The Prospectus is available in Finnish from 21 December 2018 at the headquarters of the Company in Finnoonniitynkuja 7, Espoo on business days during usual business hours and electronically on the Company's website at
Tecnotree Corporation, Finnoonniitynkuja 7, FIN-02271 Espoo, Finland, Tel +358 9 804 781 | Privacy Statement | Personal Profile
Tecnotree VAT no. FI16515770